On June 29, 2019, the Prime Minister issues the Directive No. 18/CT-TTg on improving management and efficient use of ODA and foreign preferential loans in the new situation for development investment expenditures instead of regular expenditures.
On June 28, 2019, the Ministry of Labor, War Invalids and Social Affairs issues the Circular No. 10/2019/TT-BLDTBXH guiding the amendment of pension, social insurance allowance and monthly allowance to the subjects prescribed at Clause 1, 2, 3 and Clause 8, Article 1 of
On February 21, 2019, the Government issues the Decree No. 20/2019/ND-CP on amending and supplementing a number of articles of the Government’s Decree No. 140/2016/ND-CP of October 10, 2016, on registration fee.
Let us explain a little about when an industrial design can be also protected by or as a trademark. In other words, is it possible to have a dual design and trademark protection? You will recall that a trademark is a distinctive sign that serves to differentiate the
This is content promulgated by the Government in the Decree No. 35/2019/ND-CP on penalties for administrative violations against regulations on forestry dated April 25, 2019, which takes effect on June 10, 2019.
This is a content in the Decree No. 42/2019/ND-CP approved by the Government on sanctioning administrative violations on fisheries dated May 16, 2019.
The Government issues the Decree No. 46/2019/ND-CP on penalties for administrative violations in sports dated May 27, 2019, takes effect on August 01, 2019.
On June 13, 2018, the Government issues the Decree No. 51/2019/ND-CP on sanctioning administrative violations in scientific and technological activities and technology transfer.
On May 20, 2019, the Ministry of Transport issues the Circular No. 18/2019/TT-BGTVT on providing guidance on implementation of Government’s Decree No. 139/2018/ND-CP dated October 08, 2018
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