On January 05, 2020, the Government promulgates the Decree No. 07/2020/ND-CP on Vietnam’s Special Preferential Import Tariff to implement the ASEAN - Hong Kong, China Free Trade Agreement in the period of 2019 - 2022.
Accordingly, to be eligible for AHKFTA duty rates, imports must fully satisfy 04 following conditions: To be specified in the Special Preferential Import Tariff; and be imported from member countries of the ASEAN - Hong Kong, China Free Trade Agreement; to be transported to Vietnam directly from an exported country; to meet all regulations on origin of goods and having Certificate of origin (C/O) AHK form in accordance with regulations.
Within that, goods transported to Vietnam directly from an exported country means goods transported between 02 member countries or transported through many member countries or another country other than member country. Goods transported through many member countries or another country other than member country must meet following conditions: Transited goods are needed for geographical reasons or due to transport requirements; Goods are not involved in any commercial transaction or consumption there; Goods do not undergo any processing or manufacturing...
This Decree takes effect on February 20, 2020.