On December 17, 2018, the Ministry of Transport issues the Circular No. 59/2018/TT-BGTVT on guiding the energy labeling for domestically manufactured, assembled or imported motorcycles and motorbikes.
This Circular states the requirement that manufacturers or importers shall stick energy labels on vehicles on easy-to-spot positions before putting them for sale. Vehicle manufacturers, importers and traders shall keep energy labels stuck on vehicles until these vehicles are delivered to consumers.
At the same time, manufacturers or importers shall re-publicize information on fuel consumption rates and energy labeling when:
- Applicable standards and regulations change;
- Types of vehicles with their publicized fuel consumption rates and energy labeling see changes which do not satisfy the conditions on accreditation of emission testing results;
- Fuel consumption rates are untruthfully publicized; or results of the examination and supervision reflect real fuel consumption rates exceeding by 4% the manufacturers’ or importers’ publicized rates.
This Circular takes effect on January 1, 2020; vehicle manufacturers, assemblers or importers are encouraged to publicize information on fuel consumption rates and energy labeling before the effective date of this Circular.