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On December 01, 2022, the Minister of Transport issues Circular No. 30/2022/TT-BGTVT on forms and management, and use thereof in imposing administrative violations on transport.

Accordingly, the Ministry of Transport issues 02 forms of imposing administrative violations on transport, including:

Minute of not receiving the minute of administrative violations;

Minute of returning kept practicing permits  Forms are printed on A4 paper and presented in a format that conforms to regulations and law on record management;

Forms are either pre-printed or computer-printed; pre-printed forms must contain consistent pre-printed information across all copies; pre-printed information and fillable blanks must be structured with convenience and appropriateness in use.

In case of temporary suspension of a driver's license that is integrated from a limited-term driver’s license and permanent driver’s license and license of aviation personnel that is integrated with various specifications, competent individuals are entitled to produce temporary suspension records and issue decisions on temporary suspension shall specify a class of vehicles and specifications within the temporary suspension record and decisions on temporary suspension.

In case holders of driver’s license that is integrated from limited-term driver’s license and permanent driver’s license, license of aviation personnel that is integrated with various specifications are met with revocation of the license as a form of administrative penalty, competent persons entitled to impose penalties shall specify the class of limited-term or permanent driver’s license (motor vehicles or tractors or motorcycles), specifications related to the violations in questions in decisions on imposing of administrative penalties; the offenders are then allowed to operate the other vehicles and perform other specifications stated in the license.