On April 10, 2020, the Prime Minister issues the Decision No. 503/QD-TTg on approving the task of formulating the national master plan on infrastructure facilities for petroleum and gas reserve and supply for the 2021-2030 period, with a vision toward 2050.
In accordance with this Decision, subjects of the master plan include: The system of infrastructure facilities and depots for storing crude oil, petroleum and gas serving production, and commercial and national reserve all over the country (excluding depots storing materials and products of oil refineries, gas processing plants and power plants under a single general investment project)…
In additional, the formulation of the national master plan on infrastructure facilities for petroleum and gas reserve and supply covers strategic reserve (national reserve); and reserve serving production and commercial activities (supply, circulation and distribution); the national master plan on infrastructure facilities for petroleum and gas reserve and supply must focus on planning the pipeline system in a feasible manner while meeting economic, technical and environmental criteria, ensuring sufficient, safe and continuous reserve and supply for the country’s socio-economic development.
The planning period must not exceed 24 months (counting from the time planning tasks are approved).
This Decision takes effect on the signing date.