This content is prescribed by the Government in the Resolution No. 60/NQ-CP dated April 29, 2020 on the export of medical masks amid the COVID-19 prevention and control period.
Accordingly, the Government decides to abolish the regulation on applying the export licensing regime to medical masks according to the Government’s Resolution No. 20/NQ-CP dated February 28, 2020.
Based on the pandemic evolution and the needs of medical masks in the country, the Ministry of Health reports the Prime Minister to consider and decide appropriate management measures to ensure sufficient supply for the domestic pandemic prevention and control as prescribed by law.
The Government assigns the Ministry of Health and Ministry of Industry and Trade to publicize the list of medical mask producers and their production capacity. The Ministry of Finance is assigned to publicize the list of mask exporters and their export volumes. The Ministry of Industry and Trade is assigned to strengthen inspection, prevention and strictly handle establishments with unreasonable price increases in material prices, speculation in the hoarding of masks and manufacture of non-compliant medical masks.
The exporting businesses shall bear all responsibilities for the quality of their products and commit to selling medical masks to health establishments upon request.