The Government issues the Decree No. 43/2020/ND-CP on April 08, 2020, prescribing the execution of death sentences by lethal injection.
Accordingly, a dose of lethal injection drugs consists of 3 types, to be specify: Drugs that cause unconsciousness; Drugs that paralyze the movement system; Drugs that cause cardiac arrest. Such drugs shall be examined, unsealed and recorded in minutes by death sentence execution councils under regulations.
Firstly, a person to be executed death sentence shall be injected the drug to cause unconsciousness. After completing the injection, the officer who performs the execution shall examine the executed person. If the executed person has not yet become unconscious, the officer shall continue to inject the drug until such person becomes unconscious. Secondly, to inject the drug to paralyze the movement system; and thirdly, to inject the drug to cause cardiac arrest.
If the executed person is not dead ten minutes after each time of drug injection, the examining officer shall report such to the chairperson of the death sentence execution council for ordering continued use of the standby dose for the second time or third time. In case the third dose is completely injected and the executed person remains alive, the head of the execution team shall report for issuing a decision on suspension of the execution.
A person to be executed death sentence shall be entitled to burial expenses. In case relatives or lawful representatives of the executed person are permitted to receive his/her corpse or remains for burial, they shall bear all expenses and make a commitment to strictly complying with regulations on assurance of security, order and environmental sanitation.
This Decree takes effect on April 15, 2020.