This content is prescribed in the Law on Education No. 43/2019/QH14 which approved by the National Assembly on June 14, 2019.
This Law regulate that students at pedagogical institutions will receive subsidies on tuition and living costs throughout the entirety of the course. 02 years after graduation, if persons that receive the subsidies do not work in the field of education or fail to work in education for a sufficient duration, they will have to reimburse the State for the subsidies. The maximum time limit for reimbursement is equal to the training duration.
Another remarkable content is that primary education is now compulsory. Previously, this Law only regulated that universal education applies for preschool education for children aged 05, primary education and lower secondary education.
On tuition and expenses of educational and training services, students at primary education level in public educational institutions are not required to pay tuition; in areas lacking public schools, primary school students in private educational institutions shall receive subsidies on tuition from the State, with the support rate specified by provincial People’s Councils.
Pre-school children at 05 years of age in villages and communes with exceptional difficulties, ethnic minority areas, remote and isolated area… shall be exempted from tuition. Pre-school children at 05 years of age beside those regulated above and students at lower secondary education level shall be exempted from tuition based on road maps specified by the Government.