The Ministry of Health promulgates the Official Dispatch No. 5599/BYT-MT on shortening the quarantine period, piloting home quarantine of F1 cases, managing the provision of treatment for COVID-19 patients on July 14, 2021.
Accordingly, the quarantine period for F1 cases and people on entry (except for special cases) shall be cut from 21 days to 14 days. In addition, to pilot home quarantine for F1 cases with some contents as follows:
Firstly, warning signs in red background and yellow letters “QUARANTINE AREA FOR COVID-19 PREVENTION AND CONTROL"; and yellow containers with an infectious waste symbol, labeled “SARS-CoV-2 HAZARDOUS WASTE" shall be placed in front of the house used for home quarantine.
People subject to home quarantine must comply with the requirements such as: Not leaving their rooms during the quarantine period, not being in contact with family members as well as others, not touching pets; Installing, turning on and making health declaration on a daily basis on VHD or Bluezone app during the quarantine period; Measuring body temperatures, checking heath status and updating it on VHD or Bluezone app on a daily basis. In case the quarantined people do not have smartphones, they must daily report to health staff through the provided telephone number…
Also, they must not share personal belongings such as bowls, chopsticks, spoons, cups, toothbrushes and towels with others and be taken samples and tested for SARS-CoV-2 at least 03 times, on the 1st day, 7th day and 14th day from the first day of quarantine. After completing the quarantine period, they must continue monitoring their health at home according to regulations.