This is the content prescribed at the Resolution No. 124/NQ-CP of the Government on the Governments regular meeting - September 2018.
Due to many opinions of the public about the status of textbooks, the Government assigns the Ministry of Education and Training to intensify the inspection and examination of the publication of textbooks and avoid monopoly status; urgently expose and finalize the revised Law on Education and submit it to the National Assembly at the 6th session.
Teacher staffing is also an issue mentioned by the Government in this meeting. Specifically, the Government requires localities to re-arrange teacher payrolls to transfer teachers from units with staff surplus to unit shortage of staff with a view to streamline staff and reduce the number of public non-business units to ensure the sufficient number of teachers, prevent shortage of teachers, which could affect the study of students.
Also in accordance with this Resolution, the Government identifies the socio-economic situation in the first nine months of the year has many positive signals. Within that, gross domestic products was estimated to reach 6.98%, the highest rate compared to the same period in the previous seven years; exports increased by 15.4% compared to the same period last year; State budget revenues increased by 13.7%; the ratio of public debt to GDP decreased…
This Resolution is issued on October 06, 2018.