On September 09, 2018, the Government issues the Resolution No. 119/NQ-CP on the Government’s regular meeting - August 2018 in which states the handling of subsidy allowances for people with meritorious services, who received their allowances in contravention of regulations.
To be specific, The Government assigns the provincial-level People's Committee Chairmen to recover the subsidy allowances in contravention of regulations and remit them into the State budget; however, the subsidy allowances for dead people with meritorious services to the Revolution, who received their allowance in contravention of regulations shall not be recovered. It was requested to review the responsibilities of organizations, units and individuals for their mistakes and strictly handle them according to the provisions of law.
The promulgation progress of documents to streamline business conditions and specialized examination procedures also be emphasized in this Resolution. Accordingly, the Government requires the specialized ministries to promptly finalize related documents, not to generate any additional administrative procedures. The Ministry of Justice shall strictly control the formulation and promulgation of those ministries.
Regarding the draft Decree prescribing the use of public assets for payment to investors when implementing Build- Transfer (BT) investment projects or construction of works, the Government requests that the Ministry of Finance shall promptly handling legal gaps so as not to affect ongoing projects in the time that Decree has not yet been promulgated and has not yet takes effect.