This is the new regulation in the Law on amending and supplementing a number of articles of the Law on Foreigners’ Entry into, Exit from, Transit through and Residence in Vietnam No. 51/2019/QH14 dated November 25, 2019.
As prescribed at the Law on Foreigners’ Entry into, Exit from, Transit through and Residence in Vietnam No. 47/2014/QH13, visas may be placed in passports or separate pieces of paper or granted via e-transaction. E-visa means visa granted via e-transaction. E-visas are single entry.
This Law adds 04 cases allowed to change visa status such as: Having papers proving that he/she is father, mother,wife, husband, son or daughter of inviting or guaranteeing individual; Be invited, guaranteed to work by agencies or organizations and have labor licenses or certifications not subject to work permits according to the law on labor…
Visa is granted for individual, but in this Law, there is a new case of grant visa according to the approved list of staffs of immigration management agency for the foreigners who travel by sea or in transit when traveling by sea and wish to enter Vietnam to take sightseeing tours organized by Vietnam-based international travel agents.
This Law takes effect on July 01, 2020.