On March 10, 2020, the Government issues the Resolution No. 28/NQ-CP on the Government’s regular meeting on February 2020.
Accordingly, in this meeting, the Government requests the Ministry of Labor, Invalids and Social Affairs to temporarily suspend the issuance of new work permits to foreign workers from COVID-19 afflicted countries and territories. Concurrently, provide specific plans and solutions to timely support Vietnamese workers working abroad to prevent and control COVID-19. Besides, the Ministry also is assigned the tasks to instruct businesses to address workers’ rights in case of demand shortage, business halt or firing due to COVID-19’s impact.
In addition, the Government also assigns the State Bank to instruct credit institutions to restructure loan repayment terms, exempt or reduce interest rates, maintain debt groups... for borrowers who were in difficulties due to COVID-19 outbreak. On the other hand, the State Bank needs to stabilize interest rates, exchange rates, gold and foreign exchange markets, as well as directing credit institutions to continue balancing capital sources, reducing lending rates…