The Decision No. 193/QD-TTg on approving the Program on human trafficking prevention and combat in the 2021-2025 period, with visions towards 2030 is issued on February 09, 2021 by the Prime Minister.
Accordingly, specific objectives of the Program includes: Further promoting communication to raise awareness for individuals, households and communities on the prevention and combat of human trafficking, with priority given to high-risk groups; ensuring 100% of denunciations, criminal reports, and petitions for prosecution related to human trafficking to be received and classified with the settlement rate being over 90%; ensuring human trafficking victims shall be promptly and effectively received, verified, identified, rescued and supported, etc.
The Program defines some solutions such as: Organizing activities in response to “Day Against Trafficking in Persons 30 July” in line with the message of the United Nations and the practical situation of such locality; taking measures to protect information confidentiality and safety for victims and their relatives in accordance with law provisions; enhancing the inter-agency coordination and international cooperation in human trafficking prevention and control, etc.
This Decision takes effect from the signing date.