This content is prescribed by the National Assembly in the Law on Residence No. 68/2020/QH14 dated November 13, 2020.
Accordingly, granted household registration books and temporary residence books shall remain valid for use as residence certification papers and documents in accordance with this Law through December 31, 2022.
The 2020 Law on Residence annuls procedures on renewal of household registration books; re-grant of household registration books, grant of papers on household registration transfer. The Law also amends and supplements the following procedures: Separation of household registration books; Adjustment of changes in household registration books; Papers certifying the previously registered permanent residence, etc. Besides, the time limit for processing the permanent residence for citizens also is shorten to 07 days at most, instead of 15 days as in previous regulations.
Noticeably, 2020 Law on Residence also annuls provisions on conditions for registration of permanent residence in centrally run cities (Article 20). It means, there is no separate provisions on conditions for registration of permanent residence in centrally run cities, the provision on registration of permanent residence in centrally run cities and provinces is the same without distinction and is applied generally and uniformly across the country. At the same time, the new Law also adds a number of cases of permanent registration deletion:
Firstly, they are absent from their places of permanent residence for 12 consecutive months or more without registering their temporary residence in other places or declaring their temporary absence, unless they go abroad not for permanent residence, or are serving their imprisonment sentences, etc.
Secondly, they had registered their permanent residence in places of residence that later have been dismantled or confiscated under decisions of competent state agencies or on vehicles that later have been deregistered in accordance with law, etc.
This Law takes effect on July 01, 2021..