On September 24, 2020, the Prime Minister promulgates the Decision No. 28/2020/QD-TTg providing the list of wastes permitted for import from overseas for use as production materials.
Accordingly, wastes permitted for import from overseas for use as production materials include: Waste of iron, steel; Waste of plastic; Waste of paper; Waste of glass; Waste of non-ferrous metal; Waste of granulated blast-furnace slag.
At the same time, to provide the roadmap to the end of December 31, 2021 for a number of wastes permitted for import from overseas for use as production materials: Recovered paper or paperboard (waste and scrap);
Other, including also unsorted waste and scrap (with HS Code of 4707.90.00); Granulated slag from the manufacture of iron or steel (granulated blast-furnace slag includes: Granulated slag, slag sand from the manufacture of cast iron, iron, steel) with HS Code of 2618.00.00.
This Decision takes effect on November 15, 2020.