The Decision No. 27/2021/QD-TTg on reduction of land rental for 2021 for subjects affected by the COVID-19 pandemic is issued on September 25, 2021 by the Prime Minister.
Specifically, to reduce payable land rentals by 30% for 2021 for land lessees specified in organizations, units, enterprises, households and individuals directly leasing land from the State with annual land rental payment. This reduction applies to land lessees ineligible for land rental exemption or reduction and land lessees eligible for land rental reduction as specified by laws.
Land rental reduction levels shall be calculated based on payable land rental amounts for 2021 as specified by law. In case a land lessee is entitled to the prescribed land rental reduction, a 30% reduction of land rental shall be calculated based on the land rental amount he/she/it has to pay after being eligible for the prescribed current land rental reduction.
In addition, a land lessee shall submit a dossier of request for land rental reduction to a tax agency, an economic zone management board, a hi-tech management board or other agency from the September 25, 2021 to December 31, 2021. In case such dossier is submitted from January 01, 2022 onward, he/she/it shall not be entitled to land rental reduction. Within 30 days after receiving a complete dossier, a competent agency shall determine the to-be-reduced land rental amount and issue the decision on land rental reduction.
The Decision takes effect on the signing date.