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On February 03, 2023, the Prime Minister issues Decision No. 02/2023/QD-TTg on the average electricity retail price bracket.

Accordingly, the average electricity retail price bracket (excluding value-added tax) is as follows:

- The minimum average electricity retail price is 1,826.22 VND/kWh (increased by 220.03 VND/kWh compared with the previous price);

- The minimum average electricity retail price is 2,444.09 VND/kWh (increased by 538.67 VND/kWh compared with the previous price);

When there is a big change in the parameters for calculating the price bracket, the cost of electricity generation and business, and the requirement to allocate costs that have not been included in the average electricity retail price, the Ministry of Industry and Trade shall assume the prime responsibility for, and coordinate with the Ministry of Finance in, calculating and adjusting the average electricity retail price bracket, and submitting it to the Prime Minister for consideration and decision.

When there is a big change in the parameters for calculating the price bracket, the cost of electricity generation and business, and the requirement to allocate costs that have not been included in the average electricity retail price, Vietnam Electricity Group shall be responsible for monitoring and reporting to the Ministry of Industry and Trade and the Ministry of Finance.

The Circular 02/2023/QD-TTg takes effect on February 03, 2023. The Decision No. 34/2017/QD-TTg on the bracket of average electricity retail price in the 2016-2020 period, ceases to be effective on the date this Decision takes effect.