The Decree No. 90/2021/ND-CP on Vietnam’s Special Preferential Import Tariff to implement the Trade Agreement between the Government of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam and the Government of the Lao People's Democratic Republic from October 4, 2020, to October 4, 2023 is issued on October 19, 2021 by the Government.
The Decree provides the List of goods eligible for 50% reduction of Vietnam’s ATIGA duty rates under the Vietnam-Laos Trade Agreement; List of goods not eligible for tariff incentives under the Vietnam-Laos Trade Agreement; List of goods eligible for annual tariff-rate quotas under the Vietnam-Laos Trade Agreement. Accordingly, imported goods originating from the Lao PDR, except those on the above-mentioned Lists, will be eligible for the special preferential import duty rate of 0% if satisfying the following conditions:
- Being imported from the Lao PDR into Vietnam.
- Complying with the current regulations on rules of origin applicable to goods eligible for Vietnam-Laos tariff incentives, and being accompanied with a certificate of origin, form S (C/O, Form S) issued by a competent authority of the Lao PDR under regulations.
Besides, rice items with HS Code 10.06 and unmanufactured tobacco and tobacco refuse items with HS Code 24.01, originating from the Lao PDR, which are imported into Vietnam within the tariff-rate quotas, if satisfying the prescribed conditions and complying with the Ministry of Industry and Trade’s regulations on import under tariff-rate quotas, will be eligible for the special preferential import duty rate of 0%.
This Decree takes effect on the date of its signing.