This content is defined by the Prime Minister in the Decision No. 18/2020/QD-TTg dated June 10, 2020, on establishment of prohibited areas and restricted areas for unmanned aircraft and ultra-light instruments.
Accordingly, the Prime Minister promulgates the regulations on establishment of prohibited areas and restricted areas for unmanned aircraft and ultra-light instruments in Vietnam’s airspace as follows:
Firstly, prohibited areas include: National defense works and particularly important military zones of which the management and protection are directed by the Ministry of National Defense as authorized by the Government; Working offices; Areas serving national defense and security purposes; Airports and aerodromes where civil and military aircraft are operating; Areas within the limits of licensed airways, tracks and air corridors in Vietnam’s airspace; etc.
Secondly, restricted areas include: Airspace areas at the altitude exceeding 120 meters above the terrain; Crowded areas; Border areas; Areas adjacent to prohibited areas in airports and aerodromes where civil aircraft and military aircraft are operating.
This Decision takes effect on June 10, 2020.