On August 14, the Ministry of Industry and Trade issues the Circular No. 19/2020/TT-BCT on amending and supplementing a number of Circulars on the implementation of the Rules of Origin under the ASEAN Trade in Goods Agreement.
Accordingly, an exporter eligible for issuance of written approvals shall be responsible for archiving dossiers of request for issuance of written approvals for at least 05 years from the date of issuance. Within 07 working days from the date of issuance, a trader shall declare and post up documents of self-certification of origin of goods and documents related to the export consignments on the eCoSys.
Concurrently, an exporter eligible for self-certification of origin of goods must satisfy 03 conditions as follows (instead of 04 conditions as in the Circular No. 28/2015/TT-BCT): Being the exporter of the goods it/he/she produces; Having committed no violation of the regulations on origin of goods within the latest 02 years prior to the date of application of a registration dossier for self-certification of origin of goods; Having officer(s) who have been trained in origin of goods.
Besides, to add the case of revocation of written approvals if a trader fails to perform the responsibilities of eligible exporters.
This Circular takes effect on September 27, 2020.