This is a content approved by the Government in the Decree No. 47/2019/ND-CP on amending and supplementing a number of article of the Decree No. 10/2016/ND-CP on Government-attached agencies on June 05, 2019, which takes effect on July 20, 2019.
This Decree amends the provision on organization structure of Government-attached agencies. Accordingly, the establishment of department shall be conduct only when the workload requires the human resource of 15 or more.
In addition, the number of deputy heads of department is prescribed as follow: for department and office have 15 to 20 civil servants or public employees shall be arrange no more 02 deputy heads; have over 20 civil servants or public employees shall be arranged with no more 03 deputy heads;
Criteria to establish agency affiliate to department or office also detailed in this Decree as follow: The workload required to arrange from 07 public employees or more; For Government-attached agencies cover their regular expenses plus investment expenses and operate as enterprise, the minimum of people work in their agency who is public employee and professional workers shall comply with the autonomy regime.
From July 20, 2019, the number of deputy heads of government-attached agencies must not exceed 04 even in case of merging or requested to transfer or rotation by a competent agency.