On May 27, 2020, the Government issues the Decree No. 59/2020/ND-CP on providing databases on execution of criminal judgments.
Accordingly, databases on execution of criminal judgments may be exploited and used only via local area networks or upon written requests for data provision. Subjects eligible for and scope of exploitation and use include: Agencies that have participated in the building and maintenance of databases on execution of criminal judgments, and collection and updating of information in these databases; Agencies, organizations and individuals that request provision of information on persons and commercial legal persons serving sentences or judicial measures…
Besides papers storage, data on execution of criminal judgments shall be stored in the form of e-data, which created on the basis of digitalizing files of serving of sentences or judicial measures and paper professional documents… In case of an inconsistency between e-data on execution of criminal judgments and paper professional files and documents, criminal judgment execution management agencies and criminal judgment execution offices shall check and verify inconsistent information before correcting it appropriately.
This Decree takes effect on June 05, 2020.