The Ministry of Education and Training promulgates the Circular No. 27/2019/TT-BGDDT on providing regulations on main contents of a degree of higher education and its appendices on December 30, 2019.
Accordingly, there are 10 main contents shown on degree, include: Name of the degree according to level of training (bachelor's degree, master's degree, doctoral degree and equivalent qualifications); Sector of training; Name of Institutions of higher education that grant degrees; Full name and date of birth of degree holder; Classification of graduation (if any); Place and date of issuance of degree...
Especially, in accordance with the new provision, in the main content of the degree, there will be no information on the form of training as "Full time" or one of the forms "Part-time", "Distance learning", "Guide self-learning" as in the previous regulations. This information will be listed in the appendix of degree.
Specifically, main contents listed in the appendix of degree include: Information about the degree holder; Information about the degree (training majors, date of admission, training language, training period, mode of training...); Information about the content and result of learning (name of the course or subject, the number of credits of each module or subject, grade for classification of graduation...)
This Circular takes effect on March 01, 2020.