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This content is promulgated by the Government in the Decree No. 30/2020/ND-CP dated March 05, 2020 on clerical work.

Accordingly, an administrative document shall be presented in an A4 paper size (210 mm x 297mm), using times New Roman font, Unicode code according to the Vietnamese National Standard TCVN 6909:2001 with black color. The page number starts from 1, in Arabic, size 13 - 14, with regular font style and center alignment on the top edge of a document, and page number shall not be presented on the first page.

Besides, the issuing date of such document shall be fully stated; number indicating date, month and year must be in Arabic; for date of 01 – 9 and January and February, there must be “0” before such number.

Noticeably, when citing relevant documents for the first time, must include documents’ type, number, symbol, issuing date, issuing agencies or organizations and documents’ subject (for Laws and Ordinances, only type and name are required); in the following citation, only type, number and symbol of such documents are required, etc.

In addition, academic titles, academic distinctions and other honor titles shall not be allowed to state before the signature’s full name. The stating of military rank, academic title and academic distinction before the signature’s full name in documents of people's armed forces units, educational, health and scientific career organizations shall be decided by heads of agencies in charge of such branches and sectors.

This Decree takes effect on the signing date.