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On October 11, 2021, the Prime Minister issues the Decision No. 31/2021/QD-TTg providing Regulation on management, operation, and exploitation of the National Public Service Portal.

Accordingly, the management, operation and exploitation of the National Public Service Portal must follow the law on controlling administrative procedures, implementation of the single window and inter-agency single window mechanism, e-transaction, etc. The National Public Service Portal is connected smoothly and continuously with the public service portals and single window information systems at ministerial and provincial levels for the around-the-clock operation.

Besides, the National Public Service Portal includes 9 components such as: The National database on administrative procedures; The system of receipt and response to organizations’ and individuals’ reports and complaints; The electronic certification and identification management system of the National Public Service Portal; The online payment system; The system assessing the handling of administrative procedures of ministries, sectors and localities, etc.

Within 2 years from the last login session, if there is no activity relating to the account of an organization or individual on the National Public Service Portal, the support system shall send a notification to such organization or individual of locking an account via SMS or e-mail. The notification shall be sent once a month in the next two months. After the last notification, the National Public Service Portal shall lock the registered account.

This Decision takes effect on December 09, 2021.