The Decree No. 42/2022/ND-CP on the provision of online information and public services by the State agencies in the cyber environment is issued on June 24, 2022 by the Government.
In accordance with this Decree, State agencies that publicize information in the cyber environment to organizations and individuals shall provide the following information: Legal normative documents and administrative documents falling under the promulgation competence or assigned to preside over drafting; Treaties to which the Socialist Republic of Vietnam is a contracting party, and international agreements to which Vietnam is a party; Administrative procedures, online public services, work processes of State agencies as prescribed by law, etc.
Besides, information provided by the State agencies in the cyber environment must be promptly updated after changes are made. State agencies shall provide online public services at two levels, including wholly online public services and partially online public services.
Based on specific conditions, State agencies shall deploy different information channels for organizations and individuals in the cyber environment as follows: Ministerial- and provincial-level data portals; Social networks permitted by the State agencies to provide information in the cyber environment as prescribed by law; Email; Applications on mobile devices permitted by State agencies to provide information in the cyber environment that are deployed centrally, uniformly; Telephone switchboards.
In addition, State agencies’ web portals also provide the following basic supportive functions: Information search, link and storage; Providing information in a foreign language. State agencies are encouraged to publish other information sections in English and other languages.
This Decree takes effect on August 15, 2022.