On June 10, 2019 the Ministry of Health issues the Circular No. 09/2019/TT-BYT on providing instructions for assessment of requirements for signing contracts for insured primary healthcare services, referral of subclinical services and certain cases of direct payment of insured healthcare service costs.
Accordingly, health insurance cardholders shall be directly paid medical and healthcare costs in the following cases:
- A patient has participated in the health insurance plan for at least 5 consecutive years and has incurred total out-of-pocket medical cost within a year greater than total base pay amount received during 6 months;
- Health insurance card data are not provided or are provided inaccurately;
- If the patient does not present his/her health insurance card prior to medical discharge, refer to another healthcare establishment within a day due to medical emergency, loss of consciousness, death or loss of the health insurance card without being not issued with another one yet;
- Cases specified in point a, b Clause 2 Article 31 of the Law on Health Insurance.
This Circular takes effect on August 01, 2019.