This is one of the contents in the Directive No. 12/CT-BYT on intensifying the implementation of non-cash payment for health service dated October 02, 2019.
Accordingly, non-cash payment services include payment service via - and non via - payment account. There are many benefits from non-cash payment, such as: Safety, fast, accurate, saving time and more public, transparent than payment by cash
Head of health facilities shall: Actively cooperate with banks and organizations that legally provide intermediary payment service for non-cash payment for medical examination and treatment; to implement multi-solutions for non-cash payment such as - Payment via bank transfer; to prioritize the payment method via mobile devices and card acceptance devices...
Besides, Department of Information Technology shall instruct medical facilities in urban areas in applying information technology to conduct diversity electronic payment solutions; Department of Medical Examination and Treatment shall research and propose supplementing criteria for non-cash medical services payment into the set of criteria for assessing hospital quality...