The Ministry of Health promulgates the Circular No. 32/2019/TT-BYT on amending and supplementing Clause 4 Article 4 and Appendix No. 01-MP of the Circular No. 06/2011/TT-BYT, providing cosmetic management on December 16, 2019.
Accordingly, to amend the component of the cosmetic proclamation dossier (regards to the Certificate of Free Sale (CFS)). To be specific:
First, in case of proclamation of imported cosmetic product from countries other than CPTPP members, the CFS shall meet the following requirements: CFS which is issued by the exported country must have been original and still in the date of validity. In case CFS is not provided of the expiry date, it must be a certificate which has just been issued within 24 months.
In addition, CFS must be consul legalized according to provisions of the law, except consul legalization immunity case according to the international treaties in which Vietnam is a member. CFS must contain at least information prescribed in Article 36 of the Law on Foreign Trade Management and Clause 3 Article 10 of the Decree No. 69/2018/ND-CP.
Second, in case of proclamation of cosmetic product which is circulated and exported from CPTPP members (CPTPP member means any State or separate customs territory in which the CPTTP is approved and effective), CFS is not required.
This Circular takes effect on February 01, 2020.