This highlight content is stipulated in the Official Dispatch No. 1931/UBND-VX dated June 14, 2021 of the People’s Committee of Ho Chi Minh City.
Specifically, Ho Chi Minh City decides to continue implementing social distancing in the entire City under the Prime Minister’s Directive No. 15/CT-TTg dated March 27, 2020 for another 14 days, starting from 0:00 on June 15, 2021.
Meetings, events of over 20 people in one room, cultural, sport and entertainment events in public areas shall be suspended; it is not allowed to gather over 10 people outside of offices, schools, and hospitals, etc.
Convenience stores are allowed to operate but must comply with the regulations on prevention and control of the COVID-19 pandemic, not serve more than 10 people at a time and keep safe distance while waiting for payment. Food and beverage service establishments may operate but must not serve on-site, only takeaway and delivery services are allowed. The delivery person must ensure full pandemic prevention and control measures, especially wearing a mask and keeping a distance of 02 meters while waiting to pick up the goods. Heads of the above-mentioned establishments are requested to ensure safety and fully implement pandemic prevention measures.