This content is stipulated in the Ministry of Health’s Official Dispatch No. 1909/BYT-DP dated April 15, 2022, on the change of COVID-19 case definition, and medical measures applicable to COVID-19 cases and close contacts.
Accordingly, close contact (F1 case) means one of the following persons: A person who has direct physical contact (including shaking hands, hugging, kissing, having direct skin-to-skin contact, body contact, etc.) with a confirmed case during the confirmed case’s transmission period; A person who wears a facial mask while having contact, communicating within one meter or is in the same narrow, closed space for at least 15 minutes as the confirmed case during the confirmed case’s transmission period; A person who wears no facial mask when having close contact or communication within one meter or is in the same narrow, closed space as the confirmed case during the transmission period; A person who directly provides care, medical examination and treatment for the confirmed case during the transmission period of the confirmed case without personal protective equipment as prescribed.
Also in accordance with this Official Dispatch, close contacts shall not be subject to isolation, but must strictly take the following medical measures within 10 days after the date of last contact with the confirmed cases during the transmission period: Wearing facial masks, regularly washing hands with soap and clean water/hand sanitizer, limiting close contact with others, especially avoiding being in contact with people with high risks, people with serious illnesses; avoiding sharing items on daily life, work or study with others; avoiding going to crowded places, etc.