The Decision No. 23/2021/QD-TTg providing regulations on the implementation of policies to support employees and employers hit by the COVID-19 pandemic is promulgated by the Prime Minister on July 07, 2021.
Accordingly, employees who have their labor contracts terminated but are not eligible for unemployment benefits shall be entitled to support if they are participating the compulsory social insurance in the month preceding the time of terminating their labor contracts and have their labor contracts terminated during the period of between May 01, 2021 and the end of December 31, 2021, but are not eligible for unemployment benefits, except for the cases: Employees unilaterally terminate their labor contracts in contravention of law; They are entitled to pension, monthly working capacity loss allowance.
Besides, an employee who has to stop working shall be supported if he/she fully meets the following conditions: He/she is working under labor contracts and has to stop working in accordance with Clause 3, Article 99 of the Labor Code and subject to quarantine or isolated in lockdown areas at the request of the competent State agency within 14 days or more during the period from May 01, 2021 to the end of December 31, 2021. He/she is participating in compulsory social insurance in the month preceding the month he/she stops working under Clause 3, Article 99 of the Labor Code.
This Decision takes effect from the signing date.