The Vietnam National Administration of Tourism issues the Decision No. 474/QD-TCDL on amending and supplementing some contents prescribed in “the Guidance on the COVID-19 pandemic prevention and control measures, ensuring safety at travel enterprises, tourist areas and spots, tourist accommodation establishments and tourist service business establishments” on May 01, 2020.
Accordingly, to annul the provision on prohibiting tourists, persons using tourist services and visitors coming to contact or work in tourist business establishments to share and post information about the pandemic in the tourist service business establishments on social networks and media. Besides, officials, tour guides and employees are not allowed to give untruthful and unproven information about the COVID-19 pandemic in the tourist service business establishments (as in the previous provision, they are not allowed to share and post information about the pandemic in the tourist service business establishments on social networks and media).
In addition, the travel enterprise must make a book to monitor health status of each official, tour guide and employee and check the temperature for officials and employees at work places. An employee showing any sign of influenza, cough, fever or coming from infected areas or high risk areas according to the competent State agency's announcement must stay home and monitor his/her health at home.
This Decision takes effect on the signing date.