On November 26, 2019, the National Assembly issues the Law on amending and supplementing a number of Articles of the Law on State Audit No. 55/2019/QH14.
This Law amend the regulation on complaint settlement duration on State Audit activities. To be specific, complaint settlement duration on State Audit is 30 days in maximum, from the receiving date of petition acceptance. For complicated cases, the handling duration can be extend but not longer than 45 days. In case the complainant live in remote area with difficult transportation condition, the handle duration for complaint handling shall be 45 days in maximum and can be extend but not longer than 60 days for complicated cases.
The complainant shall have to fully and promptly implement the State Audit Office of Vietnam’s conclusions and proposals, unless the State Auditor General decide to suspend the implementation of such conclusions and proposals.
When conducting audit, the head of an audit team is allowed to access, exploit or to authorize member of audit team in writing in accordance with law provisions to access and exploit on the national database and electric database of audited entities, organizations, agencies or individuals concerned to audit activities in order to collect information and documents directly related to audit contents and scope. However, such access must comply with law and ensure the confidentiality, security and safety in accordance with law provisions.
In addition, this Law also supplement the task of preventing and combating corruption of the State Audit and the power to handle of administrative violations in the field of state audit as well as the power to examine, compare audit content and scope of audited entities.
This Law takes effect on July 01, 2020.