On February 14, 2020, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs issues the Circular No. 02/2020/TT-BNG on performance of consular work.
Accordingly, the Consular Department, the Ho Chi Minh City Department of External Relations and representative missions shall make and archive dossiers as follow:
First, dossiers for grant, extension, modification and supplementation of diplomatic passports or official passports and dossiers of request for issuance of diplomatic notes to apply for grant of visas shall be numbered and archived for 08 years.
Second, dossiers for grant, modification and supplementation of ordinary passports shall be archived for 10 years; Dossiers of application for laissez-passers shall be archived for 03 years; Dossiers of application for AB stamps shall be retained for 02 years.
Especially, to archive eternally decisions permitting restoration of Vietnamese citizenship, decisions permitting renunciation of Vietnamese citizenship and lists of persons permitted to renounce Vietnamese citizenship. Dossiers of settlement of citizenship and civil status procedures shall be archived eternally. In case the above dossiers have been digitalized for archive in electronic form, they may be destroyed after 05 years since the date of digitalization.
This Circular takes effect on April 01, 2020.