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This new provision is passed by the National Assembly in the Law Amending and Supplementing a Number of Articles of the Law on Judicial Assessment, No. 56/2020/QH14 dated June 10, 2020.


To be specific: to provide 04 more cases in which a judicial expert assessor shall be relieved from duty, including:

Firstly, he/she has a retirement or resignation decision, unless he/she has a document expressing his/her aspiration to continue carrying out judicial assessment activities and his/her managing agency or organization wishes to continue employing him/her in accordance with law;

Secondly, he/she changes his/her working position or is transferred to another agency or organization that no longer has appropriate conditions for judicial assessment;

Thirdly, he/she so requests. In case he/she is a civil servant, public employee, army officer, people’s public security officer, professional soldier or defense worker, his/her managing agency’s approval is required;

Fourthly, he/she is appointed to establish a judicial assessment office but fails to establish such an office after 01 year from the date of being appointed or fails to register its operation after 01 year from the date of obtaining a decision permitting the establishment of a judicial assessment office.

Noticeably, the conditions for establishment of judicial expertise offices are also loosened. Accordingly, a judicial expert just needs to have worked as a judicial expert assessor for at least 03 full years and have carried out expert assessment activities in the field in which he/she wishes to establish a judicial assessment office, instead of at least 05 full years as in previous regulations.

This Law takes effect on January 01, 2021.