On November 19, 2019, the Government issues the Decree No. 91/2019/ND-CP on penalties for administrative violations against regulations on land, which takes effect on January 05, 2020 and replaces the Decree No. 102/2014/ND-CP.
This Decree supplements the regulation on new fine level in case real estate project executing organizations failing to submit documents to carry out procedures for granting certificates to buyers, renters of houses, construction works or transferee of land use titles, or failing to provide or providing inadequate documents to buyers, renters of houses.
The fine level for the above violations shall be determined on the basis of time and scope of such violations. To be specific, from 50 days to 06 months of violations, a fine between VND 10 million and VND 30 million shall be imposed on violations affecting less than 30 apartments; maximum fine of VND 50 million shall be imposed on violations affecting from 30 to less than 100 apartments; for more than 100 apartments, the maximum fine shall be VND 100 million.
For more than 06 months to 09 months violation, the maximum fine shall up to VND 300 million for violations affecting more than 100 apartments. Especially, for violation of 12 months or more and affecting more than 100 apartments, the fine may up to VND 1 billion and such violator must conduct compulsory submission of documents or sufficient provision of documents to buyers.
For individual, this Decree also regulates that a fine of between VND 02 million and VND 03 million shall be imposed on failing to supply information, documents and materials related to the inspection, examination and collection of evidences to settle land-related disputes by the People's Courts and administrative agencies at all levels.
In case individual using forged documents in carrying out administrative procedures and other land-related activities but not to the extent of being examined for penal liability, a fine between VND 10,000,000 and VND 30,000,000 shall be imposed.