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This content is prescribed at the Joint Circular No. 62/2013/TTLT-BTC-BTP dated May 13, 2013 of the Ministry of Finance and the Ministry of Justice promulgating the collection levels, collection regime, remittance, management and use of fees for authentication of contracts and transactions.

In particular, levels of fee collection for the authentication for contracts, transactions shall be calculated as authentication of contracts of transfer, donation of the land use right, capital contribution by the land use right (counted on the value of the land use right);  authentication of contracts of transfer, donation of the land use right with land-attached asset, capital contribution by the land use right with land-attached asset (counted on the total value of the land use right and the value of land-attached asset); authentication of written agreements on inheritance division, written acceptance of inheritance (counted on the value of inheritance),  authentication of contracts of asset mortgage (counted on the value of asset; in case in the contracts of asset mortgage inscribed the value of loans lower than the value of the mortgaged asset, counted on the value of loans).with the fee from VND 50,000 to VND 3,000,000. Within that fee for the level less than VND 50 million is VND 50,000 per case; from VND 50 – 100 million is VND 100,000 per case and above VND 10 billion is VND 3,000,000 per case.

Levels of fee collection for authentication of contracts of hiring land use right, dwelling house is lower from VND 40,000 to VND 2,000,000 per case.Besides, If contracts, transactions on land use right, property have the price under agreement higher than the price level as prescribed by competent state agencies, the value of land use right, value of property for calculation of authentication fees shall be determined under agreement of parties in those contracts, transactions and so on.

This Joint Circular takes effect on July 01, 2013 and annuls regulation on the regime of collection, remittance and management of the use of fees for authentication of contracts and transactions in the Join Circular No. 93/2001/TTLT/BTC-BTP dated November 21, 2001.