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This is the new requirement of the Ministry of Industry and Trade in accordance with the Circular No. 09/2013/TT-BCT dated May 02, 2013 on inspection and administrative violation sanction activities of market management offices.

Also at this Circular, the Ministry of Industry and Trade also regulates that an inspection group must have at least 02 officers of market management, of which an officer as a group chief; officers of market management of an inspection group are required to have certificate of training the market management professional operations, not being person, who is in time of being disciplined, considered for discipline or who is related to letters of complaints, denunciations that are considered, clarified by head of agencies managing him/her; to proactively report with the aim to be allowed not participating in the inspection group in case their spouses, children, parents, blood sisters and brothers or parents, blood sisters and brothers of their spouses are objects inspected or keep a management position in organization that is object of inspection. And the chief of inspection group, he/she must have a market inspection card issued in accordance with regulation.

According to this Circular, the investigation shall be carried on continuously when having information on law violations or signs law violations for ad hoc inspection such as information from means of mass media; information from letters of complaints, denunciations or reports; information from request for handling of administrative violation; information detected by officers managing areas and information from written directions of head of competent superior state management agency.

This Circular takes effect on July 01, 2013 and annuls the Circulars of the Ministry of Industry and Trade No. 26/2009/TT-BCT dated August 26, 2009.